Articles of Association

發佈時間:2024-07-18 13:53:32

Chapter I General rules


Article 1: Name of the Association

(1) Chinese name: "Myanmar Taiwan Business Association"

(2) English name: "Myanmar Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce"

(c) The term "Association" as thereafter referred to in the Articles of Association shall mean "Myanmar Taiwan Business Association"

Article 2

The office of the Association shall be located at the same address as the office of the incumbent President for the time being

Article 3: The emblem of the Association and its meaning:

(1) Emblem of the Association:

(b) The meaning of the emblem of the Association: MTCC is composed of the people of Taiwan, in the arc of concentric circles, radiating love and inclusiveness for the purpose of serving members and giving back to society.


Chapter II Purpose


Article 4: Purpose of the Association

(1) Serving Taiwan businessmen; To promote the operation and cooperation between Myanmar and Taiwan in the industrial, commercial and financial sectors.

(b) actively promote the affairs of the Conference, so as to promote unity and interaction among members, and create a good working environment and living conditions, so as to enable them to live and work in peace and contentment, and organize activities that are beneficial and constructive to society

(c) To assist and promote the participation of the Conference in the activities of industrial and commercial enterprises that are beneficial to the country of Myanmar, and encourage members to take the initiative to participate in the membership activities for social and public interest charity activities.

(4) Regularly organize recreation, social networking and sports to promote physical and mental health.

(5) In order to facilitate the smooth operation of the business capacity of the Association, the Association may, by agreement with members, establish rules that members must comply with or must not violate.

Article 5: Application procedure for membership

(1) If you want to join the Club, you need to register and pay the membership fee to the Club according to the form prescribed by the Club.

(2) To apply for membership of the Association, you must hold a Taiwan passport and pass the examination of the Committee to make it officially effective as a full member of the Association.

(3) After being approved as a new member, the Association must notify the new member in writing and attach the Articles of Association to the new member so as to know that he/she will follow and participate in the business of the Association.

(4) If the member is not accepted as a member, the Association shall immediately refund all the membership fees paid and the annual meeting.

Article 6: Resignation of membership

Any member who wishes to renounce membership must notify the Club in writing and obtain the approval of the Committee with immediate effect, and the Club reserves the right to take legal proceedings against the member who has outstanding work and obligations to the Club.

Article 7: Deprivation of membership

Any member shall be stripped of his membership if his conduct is bad, illegal or if his conduct is detrimental to the reputation of the Club. Denial of membership shall be effected by a resolution of the annual General Meeting or the extraordinary Annual General Meeting by a large number of hands.

In the event of any proposed attainder, the Secretariat shall notify the Member concerned and the other members by instrument requiring that the proposed attainder be submitted first. Not less than 14 days before the meeting to the member concerned. If the relevant meeting does not attend the meeting, or does not appoint a representative to attend the meeting, the Association shall be deemed to have attended the meeting and the resolution of the member shall be accepted.

Article 8: Any member in the following circumstances shall be deemed to have lost membership

(1) The person declared bankrupt by the court.

(2) Persons engaged in illegitimate trades.

(C) In accordance with Article 7 of the Articles of Association, has been stripped of membership or does not pay the annual membership fee and special sponsorship fee in accordance with the articles of Association.

(4) Persons who have been declared incompetent by a court or have been declared to have limited capacity in accordance with the law.

(5) Loss of membership in accordance with Article 6.


Chapter 3: Rights and Obligations of Members


Article 9: Members of the Association shall enjoy the following rights and interests

(1) Members may, within the scope of the objects of the Association, propose or suggest to the Association or the Committee matters relating to the Association in order to promote the progress and development of the Association.

(2) A member may request an audit of the business and property of the Association, but must apply in writing to the Secretariat or the member of the committee sponsoring the affairs.

(c) to participate in the general meeting, to express views to the general meeting, and to raise questions and proposals to the committee of the Association.

(4) After becoming a full member, the member shall not be transferred to another person

(e) Only full members shall have the right to vote at the meeting and to elect or elect the President.

Article 10: Obligations of Members

(1) Must abide by the constitution of the Association, the resolution of the General Assembly, the resolution of the committee, and must earnestly and faithfully perform the tasks of the Association.

(b) safeguard the reputation and rights of the Association, and be responsible for keeping confidential the resolutions of the Assembly and the implementation methods of the Association secret, so as to avoid causing losses to the Association.

(3) Work together with one heart and one mind to consistently promote the prosperity and progress of the Association.

(4) Carry forward the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance between members and the concept of mutual support in business.

(5) Pay the annual membership fee and special sponsorship fee according to the provisions of the Association.

(6) Any member who changes his name, nationality, address, trade or legal person's representative must notify the Secretariat in writing within seven days from the date of the change. No oral submission shall be made, otherwise it shall be deemed null and void.

(7) In order to enable members to receive any messages from the Association immediately, the Association establishes a LINE and FACEBOOK platform. In order to protect the rights and interests of our members, the LINE Platform is restricted to our members only. The platform does not accept any indecent pictures and language, and it is not allowed to invite others to the platform without authorization (if there is an invitation, please report to the secretariat of the Association), if not, it will be regarded as a non-member and deleted.


Chapter Five: General Meeting


Article 13:

The Committee of the Association shall hold at least one general meeting in each session, which shall be called the "Annual General Meeting". In addition to the above-mentioned annual general meeting, the current Committee may hold an extraordinary annual general meeting in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 14 of these Articles as necessary.

Article 14: Provisions on the time limit for holding a general meeting

(1) The Association must hold an annual general meeting within 100 days of the annual settlement.

(2) If an extraordinary annual general meeting is deemed necessary by reason of the facts, it may be convened within thirty days after being co-signed by more than one-fourth of all members.

Article 15: Holding a general meeting

The Secretariat shall, five days prior to the convening of a general meeting, notify all members of the date, time and place of the convening of the general meeting and the agenda for opening the account at their registered address, telephone number or by sending it to the member's representative. If the annual General meeting is held at the end of the year, a copy of the annual statements, balance sheets and statements of income and expenses examined by the Chief Supervisor must be attached.

Article 16: Quorum of the General Assembly

In order for a general meeting to be recognized as a quorum, more than half of the members must be present.

Article 17:

The President of the Council shall be the Chairman of the statutory meetings, and in the event of his absence or inability to perform his duties, the Vice President shall act in the second order.

Article 18: Voting procedure of the General Assembly

(1) Only members have the right to vote, and each member has only one vote.

(b) The general meeting shall vote on any proposal by a show of hands or by secret ballot.

Article 19: Resolutions of the General Assembly

Unless otherwise provided in these Articles, the greater number of resolutions of the General Assembly shall be the resolution of the General Assembly, and in the case of an equal number, a second vote shall be taken. If there is another equal number of votes, the Chairman shall decide whether to proceed with the vote or to hold the meeting one week later.

Article 20: Matters that must be approved by the General Assembly to take effect

(1) Confirm the record of the last general meeting.

(2) Confirm the report of the Committee for the current year.

(3) To approve the balance sheet of the Taiwan Commerce Federation.

Article 21:

A written record of each meeting of the General Assembly or any other meeting of the Association shall be made and shall be submitted for confirmation at the next meeting.


Chapter VI The Executive Committee of the Taiwan Commerce Federation


Article 22:

The Council must set up a committee to conduct the business of the meeting.

Article 23:

The President of the Association from the third term; Two years, so you can run for a second term.

Article 24:

The President may, with the approval of the Vice President, the Chief Supervisor and the majority, select and appoint a Secretary General and more than one Deputy Secretary General from the Committee for the purpose of conducting the regular business of the Council.

Article 25: The advisors and committees of the Association shall be relieved of their duties under the following circumstances:

(1) Expiration of the term of office

(2) Withdrawal from membership

(3) Those sentenced for violating the law

(4) or ask the president to resign

Article 26:

No less than two-thirds of the committee members shall be present at any meeting of the Committee.

Article 27: Decision of the Committee

A resolution shall be made by a simple majority and each member shall have only one vote. If there is an equal number of votes, the Chairman presiding shall exercise his right to vote as a resolution. If any matter decided by the Committee is contrary to the law or the Constitution of the Council, the resolution shall be null and void.

Article 28: Chairman of the Committee

The President shall be the Chairman of the meeting, and the vice President shall act in order if the President is absent or unable to perform other duties.

Article 29: Meetings of the Committee

(a) provide that meetings of the Committee shall be held at least once a month, but the President or acting Vice President, or at the request of not less than one-tenth of the total number of members, may convene a temporary meeting of the Executive Committee if necessary.

(2) The Committee may decide on various normal and abnormal activities

(c) to set membership fees as necessary, and the cost sharing standards for various activities

Article 30: Rights and obligations of the Committee

(1) Execute and manage the business and finance of the Association in accordance with the articles of Association.

(2) Prepare the budget and balance sheet of the Association, and submit reports to the general Assembly.

(c) to propose the work plan of the New Year to the General Assembly, and report on the affairs of the previous year.

(d) to implement the resolutions of the general assembly, and report the results of implementation.

(5) Raising funds and setting up funds to promote the affairs of the Association.

(6) To study and develop other matters within the scope of the Association to ensure the smooth completion of the business of the Association.

Article 31: Rights and obligations of important positions in the Association

1/31: President:

(1) The person in charge of the Association according to law.

(2) Responsible for the supervision and management of the Association, in accordance with the articles of association and the administrative regulations of the Association to carry out the affairs of the association, the association is the representative of the external relations, but also the chairman of the committee, the general assembly, the meeting.

(3) The President may propose and appoint a Secretary General, more than one Deputy Secretary General and one Treasurer to conduct the business of the Council, and such appointees may be ratified by the Committee.

Thirty-one bis: Vice President:

To act as the President's agent, to assist the President in all matters of his authority and duties, and to act as the President when the President is unaware or unable to perform his duties, nominated by the President and approved by the General meeting.

Thirty-one ter: Chief Supervisor:

(a) In accordance with the purpose of the Association and the resolution of the Board of Supervisors, to conduct inspections and inspections. The business of the meeting, including the work of the supervisory board, shall be nominated by the president and approved by the general meeting.

(2) Perform tasks in accordance with the Constitution of the Association and resolutions of the General Assembly.

(3) The chief supervisor shall check and verify the meeting affairs on behalf of the members.

Thirty-one quater: Chief Financial Officer:

Responsible for the management of the financial income and expenditure of the Association, accounting, reporting the assets and financial files of the Taiwan Commerce Association and the tasks assigned by the Board of Supervisors and committees, nominated by the president and approved by the board of Directors.


Chapter VII The Committee


Article 32: The Committee:

The Association shall establish a committee, chaired by the President, with other members including the Chief Supervisor, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, who shall be nominated by the President and approved by the General Meeting.

Article 33: Meetings of the Committee:

In order to effectively supervise the affairs of the Association, the President shall convene a meeting of members every two months.

Article 34: Duties and tasks of the Committee

(1) Exercise the right to vote in accordance with the issues of the Committee and deliver for implementation.

(2) Supervise and supervise the activities of members according to the resolutions of the Committee.


Chapter 8: Advisory Panel


Article 35: Advisory Group

In order to maintain the continuous development of the affairs of the Association and ensure the inheritance of the fine culture of the Association, we set up a special advisory group, which is appointed by the President of the members of the wise people, enthusiastic about public welfare and members, and does not need to be approved by the General Assembly.


Chapter 9: The finance of the Association


Article 36: Fiscal year and end date

Calculated on the Myanmar Accounting Day, the last day of each year is April as the end date of the financial year of the Association.

Article 37 Calculation of accounts and balance sheets

Requires the Committee to close and prepare its balance sheet by the end of the fiscal year and to publish its membership by the end of January of the following year

Article 38:

Maintain books and financial documents: under the supervision of the Chief Financial Officer.

Article 39: Financial Affairs of the Association:

The financial receipts and expenditures of the Association must be signed by the president and checked by the chief supervisor, and have legal effect.


Myanmar Taiwan Business Association welcomes you to join

It is organized with the principle of "Let the peo